3. VR- Prototype for Soil Organisms
Springtail Peppet Show / 2020
VR Installation, Virtual Reality, Server Rack, Analog TV, Living Soil Creatures and Plants, 1×1×1m
Springtail Peppet Show / 2020
VR Installation, Virtual Reality, Server Rack, Analog TV, Living Soil Creatures and Plants, 1×1×1m
Springtail_Springtail Peppet Show / 2020
VR Installation, Virtual Reality, Server Rack, Analog TV, Living Soil Creatures and Plants, 1×1×1m
VR View_Springtail Peppet Show / 2020
VR Installation, Virtual Reality, Server Rack, Analog TV, Living Soil Creatures and Plants, 1×1×1m
"Recently, we want to give soil life a 'virtual reality' represented by human omnipotence. We often forget the fact that the earth we are on is constantly being destroyed and created. If another reality is created, who makes the land there. The world that we see as a human doll controlled by soil life is no different from that in our virtual reality."
“최근, 마치 인간의 전지전능함으로 대변되는 ‘가상현실’을 토양생물에게도 쥐여주고자 한다. 우리는 우리가 딛고 있는 대지가 끊없이 소멸하고 창조된다는 사실을 자주 잊는다. 만약 다른 현실이 만들어지면, 그곳의 대지는 누가 만드는가. 토양생물이 조종하는 인간 인형의 시점으로 바라보는 세상은 우리가 제작한 가상 현실 속의 그것과 다르지 않다.”